The web site hasn't been updated in such a long time. My apologies! However, we need money to do house renovations. The cottage has been up for sale since the end of September 2007, but with the housing market as it is, nothing is moving, including our house.
But, we haven't been completely slack and we did put a request into the local planning department to see if we required planning permission to alter the outbuildings into a kitchen, utility room and downstairs toilet, with an ajoining conservatory roof and doors from the house to the outbuildings. We don't! so that's a bit of good news.
I can't remember if I ever posted pictures of the outbuildings fully. I know that I posted the newly decorated toilet and the original 200 year old sink. So I shall now, to refresh my memory and to refresh my Mum and Dad's computer home page! That's if I remember how to do it!
The toilet will be a toilet, but you will enter from the other end.
The old wash house chimney will have to come down to allow us to go through to the other room. We shall probably do things with the metal work within it, to keep it in the house and make a feature of it.
The courtyard on the right hand side will possibly have a conservatory roof, but we have been know to change our minds!
The picture with the plant pots in it, poor picture, will be the main kitchen and the small window in the last picture will be opened up, to make a bigger one.
We shall keep the pan tiles the same, but add velux windows for light.
You can see the horse trough through the plant pot picture, which shall be storage space or a utility room, if I have my way! It depends on what happens to the toilet.
The main walkthrough at the moment will be bricked up, so that the middle area is enclosed with a small seating area and plant pots.
We need to sit down and draw plans. So one day, this will all change and our what is now kitchen, will be a dining room. We still need to do the stairs, gardens and middle bedroom.