Sunday, January 28, 2007

28.01.07 Busy Week

This week should see some new changes to our house. Unfortunately, the bits and pieces that we've been doing are not all worthy of pictures. We have been filling holes, sanding down, painting and getting the bathroom and en suite ready for the plasterer to come on Tuesday.

I have been busy looking for bedding, curtain poles and pricing up tiles. Non of which you can take pictures of.

I have however, finished the top floor back bedroom and once the room is clear of bits then I will take pictures. The front bedroom has been re painted but I can't decide on what colour the gloss should be. It appears that no-one makes the colour that I'm after. I've tried 5 different glosses so far!

The settees come on Wednesday, the settees that were guaranteed before Christmas! I guess that they never said which Christmas!

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