Wednesday, July 19, 2006

19.07.06 Top Floor, Back Bedroom.

Most of the outside walls have been insulated and the internal walls between the two houses have been sound proofed with old carpet underlay! Standard sound proofing was going to be too thick so Rob had to improvise. I'm surprised that the noise travels between the two houses considering that the house is solidly built.
Apparantly, Rob informs me that he's not putting in underlay to sound proof, as the plaster is adequate. He's just filling in the gaps! (He's just come back from the pub and is now correcting my blog!!!!!)

Oh and the wedding planning is going well! The registrar has been paid, the meal and details for the hotel booked. The favours have been made and Ive written a final list for things to do. Just in case you were thinking that Ive not been doing anything!

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