Sunday, July 23, 2006

23.07.06 The Garden

As the JCB will be coming next week. We needed to move the bricks from the top of the garden to the bottom of the garden near where the bin is on the top picture.
Rob's Dad and myself did this job in the heat. The second pic is when we'd done already moved 2/3rds of the bricks.
400 bricks later, 2 pints of orange juice and much brow wiping, a wall of bricks was made at the bottom. Rob's Dad threw them at me, but I was quick and they missed me! I stacked them against the wall.
They will be recycled to make a retaining wall at the bottom of the garden and to make a bit of a flower bed. They may be used to make the steps. I would like something lovely to look out on when I am pottering in the newly made kitchen. We weren't going to do anything with the garden but as our neighbours started, it made sense to do both gardens at once.
Rob has finished the insulating plasterboard in all the rooms apart from the small bits where the central heating pipes are going. Also, the man who was going to do the gas central heating didnt mention it at all this weekend even though we've seen him several times. I hate contractors!

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