Sunday, May 14, 2006

14.05.06 The Master Bedroom

Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, how I ache today! But all this exercise will help me get into my wedding dress in 4 months time! This is the roof. You can no longer see the floor for dust, wood and dirt. This room is now a complete mess. I doubt we will have much worry about convincing the council that this home is no longer habitable! The second picture shows the internal valley. I can see it, but maybe everyone else reading this will struggle! See the light too! The picture is taken at the opposite side of the room to the window so it dips down into the middle of the house. We need expert advice from a roofer, so hopefully he will be coming this week. We cant get a skip until we know whether the other 2nd floor bedroom's ceiling needs to come down. Fingers crossed it doesnt.

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