Tuesday, May 16, 2006

15.05.06 News

Today we had a lovely letter from the previous owner and a HUGE bunch of keys. Most of them dont fit any of the locks! Apparantly, our house is one of three called the Nearside Villas and they were close to the river where the Pilgrim Fathers set sail from. The river was diverted to make way for the railway. Our home used to house merchant's who dealt with the port. The out buildings were used by the servants to wash the clothes and themselves. Out of the three houses, ours is the only one left with the original wash house, tub and fire grate. Apparantly the glazed sink is also from around the 1815's too. Had anyone noticed that I'd changed the original date. Estate Agents..Bah!! I have asked the Solicitor for a paper copy of the house deeds. Im keeping my fingers crossed that they exist to get some history about the house.
The shed got broken into on the 14.05.06. Nothing went missing so far as we know. Rob tried to open the door earlier in the day and wasnt successful. I only wish that they'd taken at least the mouldy wardrobe...or even the shed! Being able to go inside and looking at the roof, its a demolishion job.
I forgot to take pics today. We stayed longer than expected and I thought I'd come back for my camera, but didnt.
Forgot to add, as it was raining today, we could see the rain coming in through the roof where we had removed the lathe and plaster.

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